These are some of the digipacs/album covers that i have found that are related to my genre of work and will help me in making my own for my music video. These are some album digi pacs and covers that i have found that are specifically targeted for my target audience of 16-22 year olds alternative hip hop fans. These artists are not mainstream but are alternative hip hop and are slightely different to the mainstream artists. We are looking within our digipac to keep it simple and again like in our video use our fonts to attract our audience.
Overall I though that our pitch did go well i found that we delivered our point affectively to the whole class we used power point slide to show our ideas such as target audiences and inspiration of past videos and artists however in found that most of our audience felt as if our idea because of the technological aspect was not achievable.
According to the feedback sheet I found that most people thought that the idea did link and was suitable to our specific target audience. We used a mood board showing the usual clothes and costume that our target audience which is 16-22 will be into we used trainers,hats to describe our specific target audience and genre a sit is what we expect our audience to be wearing.
There was a slight mix up when delivering the pitch most of the audience did think that we were going to use animated cartoon images such as the pictures that we had shown such as Kanye West in the good life video this was not our intention as we just wanted to use colourful fonts and stay away from the more advanced cartoon animated images as we knew that those ambitions will be virtually impossible with the technology that we had in college.
We wanted to move away from the idea of narrative within our music video as i believe that it is too mainstream and in some ways boring and repetitive we thought that kanye wests ideas of throwing lyrics at teh screen would be an easy yet affective way to make our music video as our lyrics are fairly random and does not really follow a meaning so colourful urban fonts is a great idea to engage our audience within the video.
From our pitch i found that people did like our idea and thought that it was original and matched our target audience but are not thinking it is achievable when reading the sheets i found this is because of the mix up of cartoon images used we are specificcally using fonts for parts of the video as well as the performer.
I am fairly worried about the negative feedback on the idea of using fonts etc however teh feedback on originality and logistical arrangements were impressive as our risk assessment would be bery brief as we are not using light systems or filming on busy roads or near rivers etc we are thinking of using a white background throughout the video and throwing colorful fonts at the screen
This particular interview was the most interesting for as it is what I am thinking of doing for my video although Kanye west took a different route to other rap/hip hop stars by using a animated version of the video some of the conventions used are still the same as always.
Jump cuts are used throughout the video to connote confusion in Kanye west's mind a number of medium shots of the women in very fast editing motion does create a sense of confusion for myself as the audience to this video. I think the feeling that Kanye west is creating for the video is to show that he is very lonely throughout the video there are wide angle and medium shots of Kanye west covered by bright animated signs witch is very impressive and well done by the producer hype Williams.
Long shots and medium close-ups are still used to show Kanye west's hand motions that he uses throughout the video to show how upset and lonely he is and also connotes desperation the medium close ups also do show Kanye west dressed in Flash/casual clothing which is a huge part of Kanye West's star persona. The performance of Kanye west and mise en scene is again a huge part of this lonely feeling that is connoted and expressed to the audience. A brilliant shot that i found was when there was a medium close-up of Kanye west smoking a cigarette this was very weird for me to see as i did not expect that from the artist and was very clever from Kanye west and indeed the music producer to create the lonely,edgy,confused sense of feeling and insecurity.
Although all this is going on Andrew Goodwin's theory is very much introduced within the video the male gaze theory that are popular within this specific genre is used when you stare at the female in the video from the eyes of Kanye west the camera zooms in and the women turns around and reveals her body by the use of a long shot cinematography and the bright dress is used to make the women stand out and is shown as a sexual object to the audience.
The editing throughout the video is very quick and there are more shots then an average music video the video is fairly hard to follow with so much going on and again connotes a sense of confusion Kanye west does brilliant by linking all aspects of media convention to create this lonely ,confused feeling that Kanye west is going through in this video this video expressed some of what Kanye west was going through with his current girlfriend at the time it was known that him and his partner were experiencing problems within their relationships so therefore it does fit in with Goodwin theory of music videos in a way showing the story of the artists life by a music video Overall this text is amplified because it is how he is seeing this woman who broke his heart and hurt him so bad us as an audience see what he is thinking throughout the video. As for narrative the issue does not get resolved and there is not a reparation stage or a new equilibrium